The Opera at the Castle in Szczecin

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The Opera at the Castle in Szczecin
ul. Korsarzy 34
70-540 Szczecin

The Opera at the Castle in Szczecin – the only theatre in Poland located in an old castle. It features 3 stages. The Main Hall auditorium has over 500 seats, the Small Hall fits 120 people, and the O. Gallery, which also serves as an exhibition space – fits 200 people.

room name
Sala główna
Sala kameralna
Galeria O
Total area of the conference area3700
Maximum number of people in the conference facility820
Distance from the city center (Port Gate)0.8 km

Conference equipment

NagłośnienieProjektorScenaFlipchartMonitor LEDObsługa techniczna

Other informations

Conference rooms available for people with mobility disabilities
A A+ A++