
Plac Rodła 10, 70-419 Szczecin
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Plac Rodła 10, 70-419 Szczecin

Restaurant located in the prestigious Radisson Blu hotel. It is one of the most recognized restaurants in Poland and in Szczecin. Culinary masterpieces have won at the Fine Dining Week festival, receiving prestigious awards in both 2019 and 2021. With passion and commitment, unique flavours are created here that will delight even the most demanding guests!

Renaissance Restaurant’s offer is for everyone for whom not only food, but above all the experience of celebrating a meal is important. Our dishes are prepared with attention to the smallest details and the quality of the food.

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Number of restaurant seats49
Distance from the city center (Port Gate)1 km
A A+ A++