Spiżarnia Szczecińska

pl. Hołdu Pruskiego 8
70-550 Szczecin
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Spiżarnia Szczecińska
pl. Hołdu Pruskiego 8
70-550 Szczecin

It is here that the originality of experimentation mixes with the seriousness of the culinary classics, the enthusiasm of the cooks with the confidence of experience, good tries with better.

The walls of the pantry are full of shelves filled with jars of various sizes.

The original specialities can be tasted on site. But you can also take them home with you. Just reach onto the shelf for your favourite jar with something delicious inside. This is probably why jars with the characteristic black and white Spiżarnia Szczecińska sign have become synonymous with good taste.

Number of restaurant seats100
Distance from the city center (Port Gate)1.2 km
A A+ A++